Chat It's Fate

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In 2003, Aron Ralston showed incredible mind over matter when he had a hiking accident in Bluejohn Canyon. His right forearm was crushed under a loose boulder. For five days he was trapped, alone, until he amputated his own arm with a blunt pen-knife, saving his life. His story was made into 2011 film 127 Hours. l In 2013, a Hungarian man had an accident with an electric saw. The machine cut off an arm below the elbow. In shock, he drove to hospital, 10 miles away, with the severed limb, where surgeons reattached it. His body’s stock response stopped him bleeding to death. l The placebo effect is when people believe a treatment improves symptoms, even when there is no benefit. In 2015, a group were told the pain relief gel they’d used was Vaseline. They didn’t believe the researcher as they’d had good results. The power of their minds reduced the pain – not the gel.

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