
Laughing he chok me

He attacked me, but I was the one forced to say sorry

- Lauren Burrows, 24, St Helens

eeling my belly grumble, I knew exactly what I fancied. ‘Takeaway?’ I asked my boyfriend Kenny.

‘No, it’s unhealthy. You need to exercise more,’ he grunted.

I felt my cheeks burn. It was February 2017 and me and Kenny, then 26, had been together for six months. At first, he was cheeky and charming. A semiprofes­sional rugby player, his muscles rippled. He’d won me over after we met in a bar. I loved his good looks, his witty banter.

But recently, he’d been different, more controllin­g. If we bumped into people I knew – men

F– he asked questions. ‘Who was that? Have you kissed him?’ he’d demand. ‘No. Stop being paranoid,’ I’d reply.

It bothered me.

But as a single mum, I was desperate to give my 3-year-old son a stable home.

So I tried to make things work with Kenny.

In June 2018, we bought a house together.

But as he started the renovation­s, he seemed to keep an eye on my every move.

‘Don’t spend a penny on anything before checking with me,’ he told me one day.

‘You don’t need to go out today,’ he said the next.

Despite what was happening at home, I tried to keep up appearance­s.

Family and friends loved Kenny, saw his charm.

They were blind to his other side.

But truth was, I was getting more and more anxious about Kenny’s unpredicta­ble moods.

Then, one night in July 2019, Kenny went out to the pub with his mates.

My son at his dad’s for the night, I headed out with the girls.

After a few drinks in the pub, we headed to a nightclub.

I sent Kenny a few texts before putting my phone away to enjoy my evening.

It was around 4am when I dug my mobile out of my bag again.

The screen flashed. Dozens of missed calls from

Family and friends

were blind to his

other side

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