
FOCUS ON… Easing anxiety

If you’re one of the 48% of UK adults who often feel anxious, these pillfree tips could help


1 Herbal remedies Lavender oil contains brain-calming compounds, and research shows that taking lavender oil capsules may be as effective as anti-anxiety medication, says Kalms Herbal Remedies’ Dr Sarah Jarvis. Or try ashwagandh­a. Used for thousands of years to relieve anxiety, this herb is believed to reduce levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

2 Self-care Practising self-care techniques can make a huge difference. These include eating a balanced diet, getting enough sleep, reducing caffeine and booze, warm baths, regular rest and exercising. According to a

2018 study, a daily 10-minute walk may be enough to relieve anxiety as much as working out for 45 minutes, so take a brisk walk to calm your nerves.

3 Alternativ­e therapies Mindfulnes­s and yoga are just two alternativ­e treatments for relieving anxiety. Studies show they reduce anxiety, stress and depression. The NHS recommends mindfulnes­s, calling it a ‘way to deal with issues more productive­ly by training us to notice when our thoughts are taking over’. Visit every-mindmatter­s for more info.

4 Download apps Type ‘apps for anxiety’ into Google and you’ll find some great resources at your fingertips. For example, Hub of Hope is a one-stop shop for the UK’s mental health services, enabling you to find support in your area. Or try free apps such as Dare: Panic & Anxiety Relief, or Self-help App for the Mind (SAM).

5 Breathe

When we’re anxious we breathe shorter, shallower breaths, which can make us hyperventi­late. But by controllin­g your breathing, you can reverse the fight or flight response, says breathing coach Stuart Sandeman. He suggests this exercise: breathe in through your nose for a count of four, then hold your breath for a count of four, keeping still. Then breathe out through your mouth for a count of eight. Repeat as required.

6 Support group

A problem shared is a problem halved, and an online or face-to-face support group can be very useful. Visit charities Anxiety UK ( and MIND ( for details of anxiety support groups.

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