Chichester Observer

Should not have to put up with it


In response to B. Myerscouch Walker’s letter in last week’s Observer I agree with some of what was said.

We do not want bikers to be robbed of the freedom to enjoy themselves but the behaviour of a large number of them is unbearable.

They come through country towns and villages breaking speed limits and making far too much noise.

In Petworth we have experience­d it from as early as 5.30am and going on until past 11pm.

Contrary to what was said in the letter this is antisocial behaviour – it disrupts sleep, it prevents enjoyment of outside and even inside space and it is dangerous. No doubt the bikers are polite when people talk to them but where is the opportunit­y?

If the person who wrote the letter knows the bikers perhaps they could ask them to pick non-residentia­l areas for their thrills.

Yes, they are entitled to their enjoyment but not at the expense of others. I resent the statement that if we don’t like it that is our problem. It causes stress and health problems and it does not happen solely on Sundays. That is not our problem.

TRICIASTEP­HENS Pound Street, Petworth

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