Chichester Observer

Follow rules so we can celebrate this summer

- Gillian Keegan MP for Chichester

This week the Prime Minister announced his vision of how we can return to a life resembling normality, made possible thanks to the remarkable work of the NHS, military, volunteers and many others across the country, who have worked tirelessly to get the vaccine programme rolled out.

Locally we have hit a significan­t milestone, inoculatin­g over half a million people in Sussex.

In Chichester, good progress is being made, thanks in part to the new Westgate Centre hub, which was fully booked for its first eight days and they’ll be doubling capacity at the site to 1,000 jabs per day by the end of this week.

Nationally too, we’ve managed to scale up our efforts so rapidly that we expect to have offered every adult a vaccine by the end of July.

This is extraordin­ary given we only began the programme on December 8 last year.

The roadmap outlined this week has four distinct stages – as we move to each one, we will do so cautiously, ensuring all the available data is reviewed.

We will only take the next step once the Government’s four tests are met, which are designed to ensure we keep the virus at bay.

After protecting the NHS, our national priority has always been to see all children and students back in the classroom, so as of March 8 we are reopening all of our schools and colleges.

I know how challengin­g this period has been for families trying to juggle the demands of home-schooling into their days.

Moreover, it’s great to hear young people and children so eager to get back to school.

I suspect in this case, absence does make the heart grow fonder.

Stage one will also see the reopening of wraparound childcare and children’s activities and for those in care homes, a loved one will be able to visit, provided proper PPE is worn and they are tested before entry.

As we move forward, more of us will benefit from restrictio­ns lifting.

As of April 12 we will be able to enjoy spring sunshine in pub gardens, and head to the high street, and in my case the hairdresse­r, for some much needed retail therapy!

In May, we will be able to hold weddings with up to 30 people – something I know the local venues and brides-to-be will welcome.

It also looks like we may get a day or two at the races, as Goodwood will be able to open its gates.

At present, the best-case scenario is for all restrictio­ns to end by June 21 – I urge everyone to continue to do their bit and follow the rules, so we can enjoy the summer and return to business as usual.

Now all we need is the weather...

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