Chichester Observer

Heartsmart walks


Arranged by trained volunteer leaders, Heartsmart walks aim to show people routes, encourage them to keep their hearts healthy and help them meet other people to walk with. Here are this week’s planned walks:

March 18, 10.30am – Compton Sussex Border Path Idsworth. A 3.75-hour, eightmile walk with some uphill sections and stiles. Meet: Compton Recreation Ground Car Park, just south of village.

March 20, 2pm – Selsey Coast and Fields. A 1.5-hour, 3.5-mile flat circular walk through the fields to Church Norton at the entrance to Pagham Harbour returning along the coast. The return section will be along pebbles. Meet: East Beach car park, Selsey (PO20 0SZ).

March 21, 10.30am – Chichester Canal. A 30-minute, one-mile flat walk at a gentle pace, suitable for beginners. Meet: Chichester Canal, PO19 8DT.

March 21, 2pm – Benbow Pond and Cowdray Park. A 2-2.5-hour, 5.25-mile walk through rolling parkland, quiet drove roads and forestry tracks, with wildlife and wonderful views. One stile and rising ground. No dogs. Meet: Benbow Pond Car Park.

March 22, 11am – Midhurst Jubilee Walk and South Pond. A 30-minute, one-mile walk at a gentle pace with a steady incline to the top of the jubilee path and a small bridge over the pond. Meet: The Grange Leisure Centre.

March 22, 10.30am – Singleton, Levin Down and Charlton. A two-hour, 3.5-mile walk through Sussex Wildlife Trust’s Levin Down Nature reserve onto Charlton and then returning to Singleton. Two moderate climbs. Meet: Outside the primary school in Singleton.

March 23, 10.30am – Around Itchenor. A twohour, five-mile walk across farmland and along the shoreline path with views of the harbour. Meet: West Itchenor car park (PO20 7AE).

March 23, 10.30am – Buriton Village. A two-hour, four-mile hilly walk with a 210m ascent in Ludgersham Copse and Head Down and Buriton Chalk Pits. Meet: Buriton Church (GU31 5RT).

March 24, 10am – Onslow Arms, Loxwood. A two-hour, 4.5-5-mile level walk with no stiles. Meet: In the car park behind the Onslow Arms.

All walks are pre-bookable a week in advance at www.

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