Chichester Observer

Charity concert held by Ukrainian choir


In a bid to help make sure families and children still living on the frontlines of the Ukrainian war get the Christmas they deserve, a Ukrainian choir in Chichester is hosting an appeal concert.

Set to take place at St Paul’s Church, in Chichester from 12pm to 2.30pm on December 2, funds raised will go towards food, books and toys for Ukrainian schools hit by the continuing conflict.

It's the result of more than a year’s worth of work for Choir Volya, which meets at St Paul’s Church several times a week to practice.

"We started a year ago and, since then, we’ve had all sortsofcon­certstocel­ebrate Ukrainian holidays and our independen­ceday,”saidchoir member Yulia Chopiak.

“And we’ve been trying to raise money for children in Ukraine who are living in occupied territory.

"Last time we sent books and games over there.”

For Yulia and the other singers, the choir is a new – but hugely worthwhile – challenge, one which has helped many of them feel connected to friends and family back home.

"St Paul’s Church has been wonderful. They’ve supported us this whole time, they’ve given us somewhere to meet and practice, they’ve helped provide us with a sense of community.

"One of the members is a music teacher and she’s been teaching us.

"None of us had ever sung before. We’re IT technician­s, accountant­s, doctors, translator­s, we aren’t singers, so we had to learn.”

But, she said, the challenge is more than worth it. Yulia said she still has family in Ukraine and, through Choir Voyla, has found a sense of camaraderi­e and community which has seen her through some difficult times.

"It’s really good for all of us, for our mental health.

"We see each other two or three times a week and we have this chance to talk about what’s going on, support one another, help one another. And it feels great to start singing and make some money to help, to do something.

"We’re not raising money for rockets or bullets or drones, we’re raising money to help children, and that’s great.”

 ?? ?? Choir Volya, in Chichester
Choir Volya, in Chichester

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