Chichester Observer

Man is sentenced after grooming young girls online


A Bognor Regis man who preyed on young girls online has received a ten year Sexual Harm Prevention Order.

Andrew Chambers, 33, of Oakley Road, appeared in Lewes Crown Court on December 5 and was sentenced to two years’ imprisonme­nt, suspended for two years, and received a sexual harm prevention order for ten years which will dramatical­ly reduce his access to children and vulnerable people. The order restricts his access to the internet and, if he does not inform the police of a change in his circumstan­ces, such as new employment, he could be sent to prison. The sentencing comes after a Sussex Police investigat­ion revealed how, between 2016 and 2020, he used social media to search for and groom his victims.

Sussex Police said he tried to convince one girl to come to his house for sex, and exposed himself to five others, sending photos and videos of him inappropri­ately touching himself. He also asked them to take off their clothes and pose for photos for his own gratificat­ion.

Chambers, a cleaner, was arrested on January 26, 2018, and released on strict bail conditions while officers launched a complex investigat­ion into several of his offences. As part of the investigat­ion, officers seized Chambers’ electronic devices and found sexually explicit messages and photos sent to his victims on Facebook messenger.

He was later charged with two counts of engaging in sexual communicat­ions with a child, two counts of causing or inciting sexual activity with a child, one count of causing a child to engage in sexual activity and one count of causing a child to watch or look at a sexual image, a Sussex Police spokespers­on said. On October 17, he pleaded guilty to all offences and, alongside the rest of his sentences, he will be made to undertake 300 hours of unpaid work and rehabilita­tion programmes, and pay a victim surcharge.

Detective Sergeant Elaine Keating thanked the victims for speaking out and said: “This result would not have been possible without their bravery and strength. Andrew Chambers preyed on the vulnerabil­ities of these young victims for his own sexual gratificat­ion. This SHPO will allow us to monitor his activity in the community and ensure he is complying with the order.”

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