Chichester Observer

Resolution­s for the new year – it’s an outdated concept

- The view from V2

Well, Where did that year go?… you’ve probably said something similar yourself in the last few weeks. At times the year really does appear to have flown past, and It’s usually at the end of it, that we will reflect on what has happened, what we have done, and perhaps what we have achieved in the course of the last twelve months.

Some years the list may be longer than others, but I hope for you it has generally worked out well.

I have no doubt that financial pressures and the general state of the economy this year may have affected in some way or another any plans you might have had.

As another year approaches the dreaded words ‘New Year’s Resolution’ will be banded about by friends, colleagues and family hoping to gain an insight into our goals and ambitions for the next twelve months.

We all have things that we will want or need to do, but does anyone really make such ‘Resolution­s’ these days? Promising to ‘Resolve’ something we feel we need to… I’m not sure…. Like Vinyl Records or Dial up Broadband, it’s a bit of an outdated concept in my opinion.

Making yourself promise to do something automatica­lly raises the stakes… a promise MUST be kept, and likely won’t be, due to any number of factors and situations that may arise across the year that are not necessaril­y within your control.

Don’t get me wrong, I delight in being able to achieve something that I have been meaning to do for ages – it’s a great feeling, but I do these things at my own speed and as circumstan­ces or finances dictate.

Making lists is always a good idea – you can tick things off. That makes you feel good straight away that they are done, and of course, the ‘To Do’ list is shorter as a result.

An old boss of mine regularly used the phrase ‘Under promise and over deliver’.

Meaning simply that you don’t promise the earth but what you do deliver is more than was expected.

Whatever your plans are for 2024, I hope you have a very Happy New Year and good luck with the endless circumstan­ces that will occur to stop you achieving everything you want to.

 ?? ?? Like Vinyl Records or Dial up Broadband, it’s a bit of an outdated concept in my opinion
Like Vinyl Records or Dial up Broadband, it’s a bit of an outdated concept in my opinion
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