Chichester Observer

Cherish holidays and make memories with those you love

- The view from V2

January tends to be a time when many people start thinking about their holidays for the year, and I am definitely one of them.

The weather is bleak, the festivitie­s are over, and for lots of us it’s the perfect time to get something booked in the calendar to look forward to. Times are tougher than ever for so many people that holidays are most definitely a luxury, meaning we do have to be more careful throughout the year, but for us, it makes them all the more enjoyable.

The hard work & saving has paid off. We’re pretty strict with what we want in a holiday, but mostly we ensure we get value for money.

Holidays provide us with a break from normal everyday life, and give us the opportunit­y to create memories that will last a lifetime.

On our last holiday we visited the Valley of the Kings in Luxor, with a boat ride on the Nile. Until then, these were only things I’d learnt about in school or seen on a documentar­y. We also got to snorkel with hundreds of fish in the clearest of seas. Recalling these amazing experience­s always bring smiles to our faces.

However, as a child my annual holiday was to a caravan park, and they are some of my fondest childhood memories.

We would go for a week with some of the extended family too, so if someone didn’t want to do a particular activity, there was always someone else they could do something else with.

And yes, there wasn’t ancient tombs to explore or exotic fish to snorkel with, but there was still plenty of memories that were made. Recalling these memories also bring a smile to my face.

Because, you see, as I’ve got older it’s become so clear that it’s not so much where you go or how much money you spend or how much you do whilst away, it’s all about the memories you create and who you create them with.

So whatever holiday destinatio­n 2024 holds for you, and even if you don’t get away this year, ensure you create those memories.

The funny memories, the heartfelt memories, the once-in-alifetime memories.

They’re the things you’ll be talking about in years to come and to your grandchild­ren that will get to relive your adventures through your stories and photograph­s. So if you do anything in the new year, make memories with the ones you love, live in the present and enjoy the now because tomorrow is never promised, so treat every day like a gift.

 ?? ?? A river boat sailing on the
Nile past the Temple of
Luxor. KHALED DESOUKI/AFP via Getty Images)
A river boat sailing on the Nile past the Temple of Luxor. KHALED DESOUKI/AFP via Getty Images)
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