Chichester Observer

Win a wedding with V2 Radio and save an absolute fortune

- The view from V2

It’s fair to say, it was a quite a few years ago that I got married. And I’m still married, to the same person. We married around the time that Simply Red were in the charts with ‘Money’s Too Tight To Mention’ and, truthfully, it could have been our wedding theme song.

We were in the process of buying a flat at the time and were trying to save a deposit. My wife, Caroline, wore her friend, Wendy’s, wedding dress (something borrowed).

Wendy was a bridesmaid at our wedding and wore the dress Caroline wore when she was a bridesmaid at Wendy’s wedding.

Confusing right? Bottom line, bridesmaid’s dress and wedding dress, zero cost.

The wedding cars were a fleet of Ford Capris and Ford Escorts provided by my friends. A team of people from my soon to be mother-in-law’s office provided the catering.

It was an obvious choice, they all worked for BT, well known for their culinary excellence.

And, my suit. You don’t expect the height of fashion for £35, but it was awful.

Made from a stylish combinatio­n of cardboard and sandpaper, at least that’s what it felt like to wear.

And finally, the reception venue. Possibly the most critical and expensive decision any wedding planner needs to make. My mum’s house. But it’s OK, my mum has a huge garden and we can rent a marquee, it’ll be fine as long as it doesn’t rain, it is June after all. It rained.

And it was a great day all round despite our cheapskate practices. Then, a few years ago my daughter was planning to get married.

This time I couldn’t cheap out. I checked the figures. What kind of budget are we looking at here?

Did you know that the average wedding last year cost over £20,000? So, we provided a generous budget and said “don’t feel you have to treat it as a target”.

She got to within £2.87. Secretly I was quite impressed by her planning and maths skills to get that close. It was another brilliant day, this time the sun really did shine.

But, you may not have to fork out all of this cash for your wedding if you head over the V2 Radio website right now.

Win a Wedding is back for 2024!

We’ve teamed up with some amazing local companies to give you the chance to win your wedding, including the groom’s suit which will be considerab­ly more stylish than mine was!

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Photo by Getty Images
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