Chichester Observer

Is result fair to voters?

- Peter Lansley Cedar Drive, Chichester Dr Peter Collinson Piggery Hall Lane, West Wittering

George Galloway won last week’s Rochdale byeelectio­n with 12,335 votes (40%), but 18,772 people (60%) voted against him. Let that sink in!

Are Rochdale’s voters represente­d properly? Is the result fair to voters? Is the voting system efficient when six out of every ten voters have voted against the winner? This is just the most recent example; MPS and councillor­s are often elected by only a minority. Is the system fit for purpose?

In the whole of Europe, only Belarus (Putin’s ally) and the UK vote by First Past The Post.

First Past The Post is indefensib­le and long overdue to be replaced by proportion­al representa­tion. form of Brexit that wouldn't have made us poorer and didn’t diminish our standing in the world – a sort of ‘cake and eat it’ Brexit? It would be nice to know.

Theresa May explained that “Brexit means Brexit” and that is what we have got. By now, fully four years since we left the EU, we surely should be on our way to the sunlit uplands that we were promised. Instead, the country is in a mess and the mess is bigger because of Brexit. areas along our wonderful coastline". Quite.

I wonder why the change now? Many of us on the Manhood Peninsula would also be interested in her reaction to the two full planning applicatio­ns just put in for Clappers Lane in Bracklesha­m and Church Road in Wittering, given that both sites are now included on the newly revised Tidal Flood Zone in CDC’S Strategic Flood Risk Assessment – a highly significan­t change to when they received outline planning.

We would also like to know her thoughts regarding the madness of the system if full planning now goes ahead – particular­ly as the Planning Inspector for Church Road stated there was no risk of future tidal flooding – now proven to be untrue. What message does it give residents to see building in the area continuing as though there were no change?

Is there anything our MP can do to either prevent developmen­t or at least ensure homebuyers are informed by the developers and/or CDC of the risk of not being able to get government-backed flood insurance – will they know that Flood Re no longer guarantees insurance for new builds?

Can Ms Keegan make sure there are viable emergency routes from the sites bearing in mind that both Bracklesha­m Lane, Bookers Lane and Church Road are all inundated by water after heavy rain – let alone tidal flooding?

Perhaps our MP could answer the most fundamenta­l question of all: why has she never advocated for a reduction in the housing requiremen­t allocated for this district, when she knows that 75% of it cannot be built on because of the Aonbs/national Park? Why does our MP not argue that cramming houses onto fragile coastline in the 25% of available land that remains helps no one – not least those who need affordable homes that will not flood?

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