Classic Car Weekly (UK)

‘I just want to see them rescued’

Your tales of the latest classic deals. This week, has Mark bitten off more than he can chew?


What made you want an MGC?

I’d wanted one as soon as I found out what was under the bonnet. I’m not a sports car person, but these really appeal to me. My chance came when I was making a journey I do a lot in the dark and this time it was light. It was sitting with an MGB and I normally didn’t see them. The owner would only sell them as a pair so I got both.

Tell us about this one.

I don’t know how long the cars were with the person I bought them from, but I know the C’s interior isn’t original. The ‘head has been converted for unleaded and I believe it has electronic ignition. I have it running and the clutch disengages so I’ve managed to free the brakes and tow it to a unit. The B needs jacking up and the brakes freeing.

Why did you pick this speci c example? Did you see any others?

This MG C caught my eye on the way home, and the ‘B just happened to come with it. I wasn’t looking particular­ly at the time. Both need a lot of work – the ‘B is in more of a sorry state than the C. There’s a bodyshell with the B, but I don’t know what condition that’s in. There are also lots of parts in boxes.

Has it been a joy to own?

At the moment the whole experience has been to assess what needs doing with each car. My main thought is that I might have bitten o more than I can chew. Should I take this on at the age of 73? I know both cars are worth it – particular­ly the ‘C.

What are your plans for it now?

I can re-build a Land Rover asleep, but a car, I’m wondering if I’m over-reachig myself. At the end of the day a ‘C is worth it, as we all know. I think I can do it – but I have to ask myself if I really want to do it. I would love to see it through but for once in my life common sense is telling me to just sell them – I just want to see them rescued.

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