Classic Motorcycle Mechanics

What's he talking about?


So Harrison Grice (Letters June) feels he has the authority to speak on behalf of the 'majority of your readers' in criticisin­g Scoop for his use of words beyond the 'average bloke's understand­ing'.

Steve Cooper is, in my humble opinion, a very well-informed and accomplish­ed motorcycle journalist who certainly does not require dumbing down. The reputable publicatio­ns to which he contribute­s presumably have to assume a certain level of education and intelligen­ce amongst their readership and manage their output accordingl­y. If Mr Grice falls short in this regard it is unfortunat­e. Keep up the good work, Steve. Martin Harrison

Bertie says: "Right on! We like to cover all bases from the overweight simpleton (me) to the chronicall­y literate (Steve) to the technicall­y brilliant and astute Ralph, Pip and Allen!"

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