Classic Motorcycle Mechanics

Good riddance, 2020!

- Editor

I’m sat here, it’s early December and if I’m quite honest, I’m happy to see the back of 2020.

Now, as 2021 marks my half-century of life on this planet, I’m not usually one for wishing my life away, but the sooner we get to 2021 the better. Coronaviru­s, or Covid-19, has hit us all in some way – for some in the ultimate way as we’ve either been laid low by it ourselves or we’ve lost a loved one.

It’s hit some of my friends in other ways too. I’ve seen first-hand how the various lockdowns, both nationally and locally, have affected those amongst us who are more gregarious, those that need to ‘get out there’ and experience some human contact or social interactio­n.

Of course, lots of us get this from the many bike shows, races and events put on, not just by us, but a great many people up and down the country. We are all like coiled springs, ready, waiting and willing 2021 to be a better year all-round.

So, while our news section has tales of cancelled events, or ones that have been postponed for a few months, let’s also keep our peckers up and look forward to the spring when we – hopefully – will be able to get out there once more – especially as news of a vaccine seems hopeful (as I write this…)

The good news about ‘staying in’ is that many of us have had more time on our projects – and there’s no bigger project than Allen Millyard’s superb six-cylinder Kawasaki. Check it out in all its glory on page 34.

It’s just left for me to say this: thanks for keeping with us, we value your support. Stay safe and have as good a Christmas and New Year as you can! We’ll see you all in a better and brighter 2021…

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