Classic Motorcycle Mechanics

A cautionary tale!

- Gary Williams

I’m from Ohio in the USA and I’m proud to be a magazine guy. I spend enough time on the computer/internet during the day that I want to read about my hobbies in a magazine, not on a computer. I can’t wait for my next issue of Classic Motorcycle Mechanics to show up in the mailbox. When it does, I stop what I’m doing and take 30 seconds to preview it page by page. At the end of the day I reward myself by sitting down with a beer and going through it again. This time I read the two or three stories that talk to me. The point of this rant is, it ain’t the same reading it on a computer screen! I’m 61 years old and have subscribed to many great magazines and never altered my routine. In the last 15 or so years, every one of my ‘go-fast’ boat magazines (here in the US) have died, all of my car drag race mags are gone; it’s getting worse and I miss them all. I now subscribe to two motorcycle magazines, both British and this being one of them.

I recently picked up a Cycle World magazine here in the States. I’d forgotten how good their writing was and some of their stories were. I thought to myself, excellent, I’ll subscribe to a Yankee magazine. Then I read the editor’s piece, inside the front page. They have just been bought and are now going to digital only! What I had just bought was THE last print issue of Cycle World! So my point is: we protect those we love, right? If you’re reading this magazine but don’t subscribe, subscribe. If you really like it, like I do, do it for two years at least! Why? Well, I hate that all my favourite magazines are gone! Let’s make sure that the big bosses know how much we like this one.

Bertie says: “Thank you so much for this Gary. We hope you continue to support us! Please let us know what sort of features you’d like to see here in CMM so that WE can support YOUR interests!”

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