Classic Rock

Les Legend

The Les Paul has gone way beyond being just a guitar.


If you’re going to celebrate a guitar, then

the Gibson Les Paul is going to be top of most people’s lists

for the honour. Invented/developed by the guitarist and

inventor whose model name it bears, and launched by Gibson

in 1952, it went on to be restyled in many different

variations (Standard, Custom, Junior, Studio, Special) and was/is

used by the majority of the greatest rock guitarists ever

to strike a power chord. When it was first teamed with a

Marshall amp in the late 60s, notably by Eric Clapton, the sound

– which most people first heard on John Mayall’s 1966

album Bluesbreak­ers With Eric Clapton (aka The Beano) album –

almost overnight became the Holy Grail for rock guitarists.

Clapton, Paul Kossoff (pictured), Slash, Joe

Bonamassa, Peter Green, Jeff Beck, Duane Allman, Randy Rhoads,

Gary Moore and Billy Gibbons are just a few of the legion

of guitar legends whose main guitar was or is the now truly

iconic Les Paul.

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