Classic Rock

Under Pressure

Single, 1981


erik GrönWall, h.e.a.t

“The song that turned me on to

Bowie was Under Pressure.

I was a massive fan of Queen, and hearing that collaborat­ion made me into a Bowie fan. It made me go out and buy quite a few of his records. The bass line, the feel, the combinatio­n of David and Freddie’s voices… I love it. Aside from Under Pressure, which will always be very special to me, I also love Cat People (Putting Out Fire), which is especially memorable in Inglouriou­s Basterds [a Quentin Tarantino film from 2009]. It’s such a great song.”

iGGor cavalera, cavalera conspiracy

“For my brother Max and I, Queen’s Hot Space was an absolute game changer. When it came

out, people went mad because they’d gone all commercial. At the time, we were listening to much more heavy stuff, but Max and I bought the single. In some ways those metal bands were less explosive. We were like, ‘Dude, fuck, this is insane’ – the combinatio­n of Freddie and Bowie. Those two guys together was like a clash of the titans. I went on to explore a lot of the more experiment­al stuff that Bowie did, like the things with Brian Eno, but to this day I still think it’s one of the coolest things he did.”

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