Classic Rock

Mick’s Jaguar

Fame and Fortune


What we have here is blazing, triple guitarfuel­led rock’n’roll from the bowels of new York city. imagine if ace Frehley was in Thin lizzy and it was the summer of 1977 and they were all really into the sex Pistols and ac/Dc. it’s just sweat and blood and greasepain­t and goodtimes forever. if i added up every riff and solo on this record, my goddamn calculator would melt. i mean, it’s a non-stop ecstatic orgy of pure rock action that pours over you relentless­ly; a veritable deluge of rampant riffola anchored by touch, catchy songs like The real Boss,

Hellride and Here comes The night that practicall­y beg to be blasted from the overheated cassette decks of customised vans.

a lot of this record will remind you of some of nY/nJ’s finest, from monster magnet to The Dictators to the Toilet Boys. new York rock’n’roll lives and seethes in mick’s Jaguar. a fairly incredible debut.

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