Closer (UK)

Bhavna Limbachia


How much do you spend? I only spend around £35 a week. I cook with a lot of fresh veg and try not to waste any food. I shop mainly at Aldi or Tesco, but I always go to the butcher’s to buy my meat. Describe your daily diet? Breakfast is a smoothie made from blueberrie­s, avocado and spinach or porridge, but at the weekends I’ll have a fryup! We have the best canteen at Corrie and they do an amazing superfood quinoa and three-bean salad. On Fridays, I’ll have fish and chips! Dinner is usually chicken with sweet potato, veg or lentils and rice. I snack on Brazil nuts, bananas or a chocolate chip cookie. is there anything you refuse to eat? Brown pasta or wholegrain bread. Even though they’re considered healthy, I’m mildly coeliac and they play havoc with my stomach. What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten? At school, I used to nibble on chalk. The teachers would wonder where it had gone. I also used to eat the cement from a hole in my bedroom wall. Doctors said I was craving them as I didn’t have enough minerals in my body! What would you cook to impress someone? I cook a mean lasagne. I don’t like red meat so I make it with Quorn mince. No one can ever tell the difference! Hangover cure? A fry-up with a strawberry milkshake. It’s never failed me. l Coronation Street is on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays on ITV1

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