Closer (UK)

Celebrity guest agony aunt: Michelle Dewberry



should i report my boss for flirting with me?

my boss uses any excuse to make physical contact with me and insists on having one-on-one meetings behind closed doors. it makes me feel awkward. what should i do? Erica, 26

michelle says: Nobody at work should be doing anything that makes you feel uncomforta­ble. If you feel confident enough, tell them: “You’re making me feel uncomforta­ble, please can you not touch me,” while people are in earshot. I’d also suggest meeting in an open space instead. Keep a diary, and if they don’t change their behaviour, report it to HR.

how do i stop spending?

i have two credit cards that are maxed out and there’s no chance of a work bonus or pay rise any time soon. all my friends seem to be buying houses and i’m still struggling to pay my rent. how can i break the cycle? Lisa, 29

michelle says: The first cycle you need to break is the cycle of comparison – comparing yourself to others will bring untold misery. Life is not a competitio­n. I’d suggest you keep a diary of everything you’re spending so you can keep track of it. Also look at other ways to top up your income – have you got any skills you can monetise on the side?

Can we reconnect?

a guy i had a connection with years ago has got back in touch. we never dated, but there was chemistry. he’s recently separated from his wife and has told me i’m the one who got away. i’ve often thought about him, but we live in different cities and he’s 10 years older than me. Could it work? Amy, 28

michelle says: The only way to find out for sure is to spend time with them. Make sure he has totally separated from his wife – if so, suggest a meeting and see if you feel a spark. If you hit it off, logistics like where you live can be dealt with later.

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