Closer (UK)


Research shows we now believe being super busy all the time makes us better people. Dr Christian explains why he disagrees


Recent research found we now think being “busy” and “overworked” is a sign of high status. So saying “I’m so busy I can’t see the wood for the trees” has become a good thing. That’s a terrible perspectiv­e! Having down time is important for your mental and physical health.

When we’re busy we feel stress for a good reason – it causes physical changes in the body designed to help you cope with extra demands. Your heart pounds, your breathing quickens, your muscles tense and the “fight or flight” response kicks in. Once the cause of the stress passes, all of those feelings go, but if you stay too busy you remain in that state of high alert – and that’s when it becomes a problem for your physical and mental health.

I see many profession­als who are sick from stress. They all have headaches, tummy aches, muscular pains, migraines, insomnia and there isn’t anything physically wrong with them per se, it’s the stress manifestin­g itself physically. They feel they need to answer emails at 11pm and fear going on holiday in case they miss something.


When you’re on edge constantly – holding tension in your muscles and releasing cortisol and adrenaline hormones – it has a physical impact.

Usually, my patients know on some level their symptoms are stress-related, but they convince themselves it’s a physical illness or injury as then it isn’t a “weakness” or a “failing.”

It’s hard to schedule a break, but if you don’t, your sleep suffers, your immunity drops, you get back and neck and shoulder pain – and that’s just in the short term. Do that year after year and you up your risk of more serious health problems, like heart disease and depression.

As well as taking annual leave, schedule time away from technology every day. It’s killing relaxation and relationsh­ips.

Scale down your social life, too – sometimes, I look at the week ahead and realise I only have one evening free. It’s important to have nights in, so learn how to say “no.”


You don’t need relaxation apps. If you’re using a mindfulnes­s app, you’ll probably get social media notificati­ons popping up too.

Instead, find a hobby – whether it’s cooking, walking, dancing or anything that gives you time away from work.

Being ultra busy doesn’t make you a better person – it makes you more stressed, and stress exacerbate­s everything from skin conditions to digestive problems. Make time to be not busy – doctor’s orders.

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