Closer (UK)

The Last Time I… Keren Woodward

Bananarama’s Keren Woodward, 56, talks us through the key moments in her life



Most mornings, really! I tend to look down and can’t quite believe I’m going out in pyjama bottoms, a mismatched jumper and odd trainers. I tend to grab what’s closest and comfiest.


I’m really not a big liar. I might not say things to certain people if I think it will hurt their feelings, but I do appreciate when people are honest with me, even if it’s not what I want to hear. The truth is usually more beneficial in the end. Also, I’m terrible at lying. I’ll definitely forget what I’ve said, then slip up later.


When I was having building work done to my house a few months ago, I’d specifical­ly asked the builders to do certain things, and when I came home it was completely wrong. I lost it and started yelling to myself, as I was home alone. I shouted and had tears of frustratio­n – I had no one to vent to. But I don’t often lose my temper, I don’t find it helps and I believe open discussion works every time.


I’m usually quite tactful and think before I speak, but everyone runs the risk of putting someone’s nose out of joint at some point. Apparently, I offended someone very famous recently with a joke I made – I can’t say who it was, but I thought it was obvious that it was a joke! I was being sarcastic, but maybe it didn’t come across that way. Obviously I felt bad when I was told. I’d never set out to do that.


I cry at the drop of a hat. I never used to be emotional in my younger years, but things change as you get older. The TV show Long Lost Family, where people are reunited, absolutely gets me. I’ve suffered the loss of a few friends and family over the years, so I understand how important loved ones are.

● Bananarama’s The Greatest Hits Collection is out on 24 November. They are currently on a UK tour.

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