Closer (UK)

Jemma Lucy: “Nothing will put me off having more surgery”


Reality TV star Jemma R Lucy, 30, has had three Brazilian butt lifts in the past 18 months, as part of her quest for perfection. And although she says Leah’s tragic death has made her think twice about having another operation so soon, it hasn’t put her off having surgery for good.

Jemma says, “It’s so tragic what happened to Leah. When you have these operations, you get told about all the possible risks, but you don’t believe anything can go wrong because it rarely does. Although this news has scared me a bit and made me think twice about having another op so soon, nothing will put me off having more surgery. People need to do plenty of research before going under the knife, but thousands have surgery each year and it’s rare that you hear of these accidents. Surgeons are human beings, not machines – we can all make mistakes and fatalities can sadly happen.

“I can’t have another bum lift just yet because there’s no fat left on me, but I do want another one. I like to go to extremes – I always want the biggest and best of everything. For the first time in ages, I love my bum, but it could always be bigger. I used to spend hours in the gym trying to enhance my bum, but squats and lunges don’t change your body shape. If you can get help through surgery, then why not?

“I’m not addicted to surgery, but I still want to change my body. And if there’s a new trend I like, I’ll get it done.”

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