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Six in ten women struggle to articulate their thoughts in job interviews, a recent study found. Emma gives her top tips


At some point in A your life, you’ll probably be sitting across a desk from someone asking you a bunch of questions. And it’s completely understand­able that you might feel nervous.

Research shows that six in ten women struggle to articulate their thoughts and ideas during interviews, and 15 per cent reckon their reading, writing or communicat­ion skills have hindered them. These concerns tend to be rooted in a lack of confidence.

At interviews, you need to believe in yourself if you’re going to convince the interviewe­r that you’re the best person for the job. If you walk in crippled with fear, you have a mountain to climb, because you have around five seconds to make a positive first impression. Dress the part, walk tall and smile confidentl­y as you arrive. Be thoroughly prepared. Research the position, role and company and write down and rehearse potential answers to obvious questions. Prepare questions to ask at the end, too, perhaps about company benefits or the career trajectory. This shows that you are organised and can see the bigger picture profession­ally. If you don’t understand a question, ask them to explain, and if you really don’t know the answer then be honest, but reinforce that you’re a quick learner.

Everyone will have had a similar experience. Employers want harmonious and hardworkin­g staff, so don’t sweat the small stuff and instead see the interview as a positive platform to promote how great you are.

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