Closer (UK)

Is vitamin F the answer to perfect skin?

Can this latest much-hyped super nutrient really help to clear up your complexion? Closer asks the beauty experts…


While many of the latest “wonder” ingredient­s on W the beauty shelves promise to brighten and fight off signs of ageing, the latest goodie to create a buzz goes a little deeper and claims to repair the skin’s barrier to fight off a whole host of issues. We speak to skincare expert Dr Imogen Bexfield to find out if vitamin F is really worth investing in.


Imogen says, “Vitamin F, more commonly known as linoleic acid, is an essential fatty acid, and its main job is to heal the skin’s natural barrier. As well as plumping and hydrating, it is also a powerful antiinflam­matory, helping to fight acne and blemishes. It’s a bit of a game-changer if your skin is problemati­c, dry or spot-prone. Having low levels of vitamin F can cause pore blockages, which lead to breakouts, so introducin­g it to your routine can really help. It can be used on all skin types, though, especially during the winter months as it also hydrates and protects against the cold weather brilliantl­y, too.”


She adds, “This vitamin is often found on its own in many skincare products, but can also be hidden in a few precious botanical oils, too. Ingredient­s such as rosehip, grapeseed, hemp and evening primrose oil all contain vitamin F, so look for daily lotions and night creams that contain one or more of them.”

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