Closer (UK)

Fridge Raider… Gabrielle


How much do you spend per week?

Around £150 on a big shop. I’ll then top it up with fresh veg, fruit and bread during the week, spending anywhere between £50 and £60. It sounds like a lot, but that’s for my daughter Patricia,

16, and my son Jordan, 24, too.

Describe your daily diet…

There’s so much healthy food in my fridge, but I don’t like eating it a lot of the time. For breakfast, I’ll have a coffee. Midmorning, if I’m naughty, I’ll have more coffee and half a packet of biscuits, but if I’m being good, I’ll have smoked salmon or a bagel and scrambled eggs. When I’m touring, I’ll get a salad with nuts and pulses and some mango for lunch, but sometimes I’m bad and have a McDonalds. I snack on sugary things, so by dinner time, I don’t feel hungry enough to eat a full meal. I might just have some chicken.

What’s the strangest thing you’ve eaten?

Caviar – it has an odd texture. And octopus, but I don’t like the thought of the tentacles.

Is there anything you refuse to eat?

I couldn’t eat snails and things like that – disgusting. But I’ll try most things once.

What do you cook to impress?

A lovely Sunday roast – but I wouldn’t cook for loads of people. We’d get a takeaway. I like to enjoy my friends’ company, rather than slaving away cooking and clearing up.

What’s your best hangover cure?

Sausages, bacon, scrambled eggs, tomatoes and some toast. I swear by that. ● Gabrielle’s Rise Again 2020 tour runs from 12-27 Nov 2020. For more info, visit

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