Closer (UK)



Instead of wearing single-use face masks, buy a reusable face mask made from safe, washable fabrics, or create your own. For the UK government’s guide on making a cloth face covering, visit publicatio­ns/how-to-wear-andmake-a-cloth-face-covering.

If you need to wear latex gloves, always dispose of them responsibl­y in a covered waste bin at home. Singleuse PPE is not recyclable, and the Wildlife Trusts are asking everyone to look after wildlife by taking all litter home.

For more informatio­n, visit Wildlifetr­

To call for a ban on all singleuse plastic, sign the petition at petitions/300152.

While councils have been overwhelme­d during lockdown, volunteers have taken on the task of litter-picking. To volunteer for your local area in England, Scotland or Wales, visit Keepwalest­idy. com, Keepbritai­ or Keepscotla­ndbeautifu­

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