Closer (UK)

‘Embracing diversity has been a positive from lockdown!’


AMancheste­r mum and daughter have made headlines after publishing a lockdown story book that salutes their diverse local community, including all different types of families – some have two dads and some have none. They have different religions, different accents and many varying skin colours. I think this touching story highlights a real positive from lockdown – people have had time to seriously think about what’s really important in life and have embraced diversity.

I never understood why there was so much fuss about being gay when Right Said Fred started out in the ’90s (Richard is openly bisexual). We stood by the Oscar Wilde quote “I have no objection to anyone’s sex life as long as they don’t practise it in the street and frighten the horses!”

And now we’ve been struck by a global pandemic, people are taking action against things that have been wrong in society, such as homophobia and racism. The recent Black Lives Matter movement has made us think about issues that have been simmering for years. Although I don’t agree with statues being ripped down in an undemocrat­ic way, I can totally identify why it would be hurtful for a black person to have to walk past a statue of a known racist – I’d be bothered if I saw an anti-gay figure being celebrated.

Lockdown has made me rethink who I am and what my priorities are, and I’m so glad it’s been a platform for others to be able to express themselves.

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