Closer (UK)


Some of soaps’ biggest names – starring in an ITVBe fly-on-the-wall series giving audiences a peek behind the scenes into their private lives…


What will surprise viewers?

ELLIE LEACH, 23: Maybe seeing what life is like away from work… it’s not all glitz and glamour! I’ve just started a play.

AMY WALSH, 37: This is not my first rodeo! We had camera crews in our home years ago for a Girls Aloud documentar­y... (Amy’s big sister is Kimberley Walsh) I had forgotten! I was in it a lot – and I haven’t got much to hide, other than a messy house! RITA SIMONS, 47: I think it’s going to surprise people to see another side to me. In the old days I was the ultimate party girl, but I’ve grown up. People ask, “Been to any good parties?” I’m like, “No! I’m in bed by 8pm!” How’s it been showing people your real life?

AMY: My only real concern was filming with a two-year-old, but Bonnie loves the camera, and it’s been nice filming with my husband [Toby AlexanderS­mith, who played murderer Gray in EastEnders].

BROOKE VINCENT, 31: I am strategica­lly private, so it’s been a juggle. I have a quiet life with my partner – we are really boring! And when my kids saw the cameras, they were acting like clowns… Ellie, you start filming just after you won Strictly…

ELLIE: That feels like ages ago. We won in December, then we had Christmas and the tour – which was so much fun. There was less pressure…

Rita, you’ve had a rocky ride health-wise?

RITA: I had a hysterecto­my a year ago. I was suddenly in medical menopause, your body reacts differentl­y to diet and exercise. A lot of the show follows the weird, wonderful and crazy stuff I now do.

Is there any other reality show you’d do?

BROOKE: Everyone says do the jungle [ I’m A Celebrity!], but I’d be awful at that! They know how bad I’d be and they think it’d be funny. I am not good with that kind of stuff…

 ?? ?? Rita: back in Soapland
Rita: back in Soapland

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