Computer Active (UK)

Why You Must Switch To MICROSOFT EDGE

Master the brilliant NEW browser that’s better than Chrome


Make sites easier to read

Stop adverts tracking you

Get ‘dodgy site’ alerts

Install the best add-ons

Close sites that slow your PC

Switch easily – no hassle

We weren’t fans of Microsoft’s original Edge browser. Despite launching with much fanfare alongside Windows 10 in 2015, it was sluggish, had very few extensions, and simply couldn’t compete with the features of more establishe­d browsers such as Google’s.

It therefore came as no surprise that, in December 2018, Microsoft announced that it was working on a new version of Edge that would be rebuilt from the ground up. What did come as a shock, though, was that this version was to be based on Chromium – open-source code developed by Microsoft’s arch rivals Google, and used to underpin the very same Chrome browser that Edge was looking to overtake. By doing this, Microsoft was effectivel­y admitting that Google had done a better job with its browser.

But Microsoft’s pragmatic U-turn turned out to be something of a masterstro­ke. When the new version of Edge launched in January this year, it was met with widespread approval - not least from within the offices of Computerac­tive.

It’s familiar enough to make a smooth transition, but also has some great new tools that you won’t find in any other browser.

And if you’re a Chrome user, now is the perfect time to switch. Google’s browser has become so bloated over recent years, it now gobbles up more system resources than ever. In contrast, Edge feels far more streamline­d and won’t slow your PC in the same way Chrome does.

Over the next few pages, we’ll show you exactly what the new Edge can do, how to use its best tools and how to unlock its hidden features. And for those of you who are unsure about switching, you can run Edge alongside your current favourite browser. But we think once you’ve made the switch, you won’t look back.

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