Cosmopolitan (UK)

DIRTY PRETTY THING Messy make-up is having a moment

Enough with obsessive blending and symmetry! It’s time to embrace something a little rougher round the edges – our new favourite beauty trend: crap-plication


Back in the mists of time, lipstick was applied on the Tube and kohl without a mirror. Make-up was messy and that was how we liked it: a little bit Debbie Harry by way of a 4am kebab shop, if you will. Yet years of 12-step smokey eyes and two-hour contour tutorials have produced faces that look fem-bot. Thankfully, a false-perfection backlash is afoot. “I’m thinking teenage kicks, make-up done on the back of a bus, walk-of-shame looks,” says Terry Barber, MAC director of make-up artistry. Want to remaster the ‘woke up like this’ look? Then start messing about…

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