Cosmopolitan (UK)

DO YOU SPEAK WELLNESS? Sorgum. Slackline. Say what?!

Flummoxed by the bizarre chat from the cleanlivin­g brigade down at the gym? We’ve decoded the health speak so you can sort your sorghum from your slackline


Just as you got your head round the difference between Bikram and Vinyasa, suddenly everyone’s banging on about the benefits of Nauli – and you’re pretty sure they don’t mean the hot new Spanish barista in your local Starbucks. But in a world where every month sees a new super-grain sprout up, and workout trends move faster than Usain Bolt (and, by the way, Brianna Lyston is the new Bolt), keeping up with wellness talk can be tough. Luckily, we’ve compiled a handy guide to the new buzzwords – and exactly how to use them. You can thank us with a turmeric latte later.

Algae fats

WHAT IT MEANS OK, so this isn’t the green slime you’d find in your parents’ garden pond. But its oil contains DHA, which accounts for 97% of the omega-3 fats in the brain. And they reduce inflammati­on and help reduce the risk of chronic illnesses like heart diseases, cancer and arthritis. Note: take it as a supplement, and don’t buy it from your local garden centre.

BLUFF IT “Oh, you’re still taking fish oil capsules? Bless. I keep my joints in shape with algae.”

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