Cosmopolitan (UK)



Like all teachers, you’ll recognise this lot by their armfuls of paperwork, eye bags and the no-bullshit air of someone who has broken up two fights, marked 30 essays and organised the year-10 trip to Düsseldorf before you’ve had your first coffee. But the new breed of super-teacher has ambition beyond the classroom; politics, motivation­al speaking, changing the world one thinkpiece at a time. It’s all up for grabs.

MOST LIKELY TO SAY “It’s all Gove’s fault. Still.”

WANT TO JOIN THEM? Sure, you can advertise your skills on for £20 an hour, but sign up to private tutoring sites like Firsttutor­, and you could end up teaching an oligarch’s wife how to use her new baby grand piano for £200 an hour. Those with glittering CVs (PhDs, Oxbridge, grade-9 violin) can turn this into a full six-figure-salary career.

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