Cosmopolitan (UK)

How to nail the perfect plank

It’s tough… but so worth it. Here, we explain how to do the ultimate stomach-strengthen­ing move



If you’re arching your back, something has gone wrong. Widen your shoulders and palms to take the weight off your upper body.


It’s up to you whether you clasp your hands together or place them flat on the floor, or whether you do a high plank (straight arms) or low plank (arms bent at 90˚). But, with either version, you need to make sure your elbows are directly under your shoulders, so that your weight is distribute­d correctly.


Planks put much less strain on your back and neck than sit-ups, and strengthen the muscles that reduce stress on your back when sitting (take that, office job). But you must keep your back and neck aligned when holding the move and look down to keep any strain to a minimum.


Imagine you’re squeezing into a pair of too-tight jeans. And hold it there – that’s engaging your core. Fail to do so and your arms will take the brunt of the weight. Suck your belly towards your spine, but keep breathing.


Avoid adding planks to your workout if you are recovering from a back or shoulder injury, are past your first trimester of pregnancy, or have recently given birth.


As time goes on, not only will you be gritting your teeth, but your hips could begin to sink towards the ground. This is much less challengin­g on your core. Tuck in your tailbone and squeeze your bum to keep them high.


Don’t worry, you don’t have to stay ironing-board straight for too long. Pilates instructor Lindsay Davis-Hannibal suggests increasing hold time gradually, starting with a 10-second plank each day and adding five seconds per week. “Between every plank, rest for a minute,” she advises. “Repeat three times, aiming to eventually hold three minute-long planks.” Struggling? Just think of Rihanna – the plank is said to be one of her favourite moves.

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