Cosmopolitan (UK)

Worst dates ever!

Hey, we’ve all been there...


I met up with a guy after giving him my number using the only tools I had – a receipt for a verruca removal cream and a lip liner. After a couple of dates, I found out that he was married and his wife was pregnant. EVIE,* 23 He was a few shots in with his workmates when I arrived. After half an hour he said he needed the loo, but when he stood up it looked as if he’d already been. Then I noticed the stench… ELLE, 24 On a first date I ordered a Ferrero Rocher waffle, not realising it contained nuts. I have an allergy and started vomiting. I left and spent the rest of the evening in bed feeling sick. VICKI, 21 It was going well until he started playing me his mixtape and rapping along. It was awful. I stared out of the window and waited for it to end. SASHA, 21 I fell asleep on her in the cinema and started snoring. When I woke up, everyone was staring at me. SEAN, 20 He was in town with his mum and asked to meet me while she was shopping. To my horror, he ended up bringing her on the date, during which she proceeded to ask me about my job, where I saw myself in five years and what I was looking for in a relationsh­ip. I left after one drink. URSZULA, 25 I went on a date with a guy I’d met while out with a friend. Fifteen minutes in, he asked my friend’s name, showed me her Instagram to check she was the girl he was thinking of, then asked for her number. LILLIE, 20 He was two hours late, tried to hit on the barmaid and then had the audacity to suggest I go back to his. (I didn’t.) KIRSTY, 27

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