Country Living (UK)

A simple make... EMBROIDERE­D APRON

Every baker needs a useful coverall and this design is both pretty and practical

- project and styling by ros badger photograph by rachel whiting

Fold a piece of embroidere­d tablecloth measuring 75cm-1m in half vertically, keeping any existing hems at the top and side edges where possible. Using tailor’s chalk, draw a curved bib shape 22cm down from the top edge, making a curve with a width at the top of 30cm (15cm from the centre fold). This allows for a 1.5cm seam. Fold over 0.5cm along the curved edge and iron, then fold a further 1cm and iron. Hem the curved edge using a sewing machine or hand-hem using a neat over or hem stitch. For the neck strap, cut a 70cm strip from a 2.5m length of cotton tape. Adjust depending on your size and attach. Using the surplus material, make a rectangula­r or square pocket, hemming it all round. Stitch securely to the front of the apron. Cut the remaining length of tape in half. Stitch each strap to either side of the apron at the waist and cut the opposite end at a 45° angle to avoid fraying. Visit beggarsvel­; @beggarsvel­vet.rosbadger.

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