Country Walking Magazine (UK)

... and in the Yorkshire Dales

How CW turned a series of night-time visions into a week of magnificen­t Yorkshire yomping….


The point where I realised lockdown was really biting was when I had recurring dreams about the Yorkshire Dales.

In one, I had decided to re-train as an auctioneer in Kettlewell and had to transport a Victorian oak-leaf bureau over the Lady Anne Highway on horseback, like a medieval coffin. (Apparently I was the only person in the antiques trade not in possession of a Volvo.)

In another, I met the sorcerer who cursed the ancient town that was allegedly consumed by Semer Water. We danced a merry galliard on the summit of Addlebroug­h while my old geography teacher waved some unfinished homework from down in the valley.

There were others. Some were even weirder. But the meaning of these midnight fevers was clear: I was missing the Yorkshire Dales. I always do, when I’ve been away from them too long.

Maybe you feel it too. An inexplicab­le craving for limestone. Earworms of Jake Thackray. Traversing the cheese aisle in Tesco and thinking: ‘must… buy… Wensleydal­e’. (Although in fairness, too much Wensleydal­e was probably the cause of the dreams.) There was no fighting this affliction; it could only be embraced. And thus I began planning a week’s Grand Tour of the Yorkshire Dales. Seven days, seven walks.

And reader, what a joy. Components have flitted in and clunked out as whim and wisdom struck. I’ve mixed places I can’t wait to get back to with places I’ve never been before. Spliced honeypot classics with offbeat oddities. Chosen places for their magnetic myths, beaming hospitalit­y or stupendous views (in most cases, all three).

The final list is something I’m quite proud of. I won’t be so bold as to say it’s the definitive list 711fof the seven greatest walks in the Yorkshire Dales. But it is everything I can’t wait to do. And thus it is everything I’d proudly lay on the bedside table of the similarly-disturbed Country Walking reader and say ‘sleep easy, my friend. Here’s what we’re going to do.’

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Malham Cove is the star of the final day of Nick’s Yorkshire Dales ‘dream week’ – what other delights will we see on the way to it?
DREAM LANDCAPE Malham Cove is the star of the final day of Nick’s Yorkshire Dales ‘dream week’ – what other delights will we see on the way to it?

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