Country Walking Magazine (UK)



“I have climbed 188 munros and my favourite was the Beinn Dearg circuit, watching a snow storm coming in. I sat with my collie and husband and had lunch with over 100 deer surroundin­g us. We went on to complete Cona’ Mheall, Meall nan

Ceapraiche­an and Eididh nan Clach Geala too. It was a painful long, long day, but one of my most memorable circuits!” Louisa Burnett

“We spent a week on the Isle of Skye in May 2018, and climbed up Bruach na Frithe on the Cuillin. Just so beautiful, the views took our breath away. I’ve been looking back at the photos to write this, and it’s literally making my heart sing! We passed so many beautiful waterfalls on the way up.” Christina Lander

“We got engaged on Ben

Lomond. I was getting a bit tired and so we stopped for a rest. When my partner called to me to turn around, I thought he was going to give me jelly beans to help me perk up but instead he was on one knee in the mud, with the rain spitting down! It was perfect, and a genuine surprise! I referred to it as a hill in my wedding speech and my (fiercely Scottish-loyal) friend wasn’t impressed! Let’s just say I was nervous and it was a slip of the tongue!” Felicity Haines

“I have done a few over the years. The first one I attempted was Schiehalli­on with my in-laws at that time. I knew it was time to give up, when after a false summit the mother-in-law turned round and said “Well, I guess this is as good a place as any to die!”” Dougie Dingwall

“My first Munro was Ben Wyvis. I remember on the way up wondering why the blazes I’d thought this was a good idea, but once I got to the top and was looking at the views, it all clicked. Everything changed for me; it was my epiphany. The next year, myself and one other from the group, decided we were going to complete all the Munros. 86 done to date and I have amazed myself as this all started 6 years ago when I was diagnosed with lymphoedem­a in my legs and was told the only thing to keep it at bay was walking. That’s when the walking obsession started and I have never been happier.” Michelle Saunders

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