Coventry Telegraph

Trump isn’t welcome here

- Dennis Skinner, Burt Reynolds and Jennifer Aniston

BRIAN Nathan Partridge’s letter, (February 6) in which he says “I would gladly welcome Donald Trump to the UK” horrifies me. President Trump may be democratic­ally elected but he is a blustering bully and liar who thinks power gives him the right to sexually assault women. He admires Putin, and obviously would like to be a great dictator, unchecked by America’s laws and constituti­on. Mr Nathan Partridge goes on to say, “my only regret is we do not have a leader of this calibre at the helm”. God save us from leaders of Trump’s calibre! After the horrors of the 20th century, when we saw dictators like Stalin, Hitler and Mao wreak havoc on their own people and the world, surely we have had enough of great dictators? In pre-war Britain, we had our own home-grown fascist would-be dictator, Oswald Mosely. He and his Blackshirt­s were supported by the Daily Mail, which ran a headline ‘Hurrah for the Blackshirt­s!’

Like Hitler, they blamed the Jews for all the ills of society, just as Trump blames Mexicans, immigrants and Muslim countries for America’s problems.

The Blackshirt­s were seen off by the people of the East End in the famous Battle of Cable Street.

Trump is considered by many to be profoundly un-American.

Written around the Statue of Liberty are these words: “Give me your tired, your poor/Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free/ The wretched refuse of your teeming shore/Send the homeless, tempest tossed, to me/I lift my lamp beside the golden door.”

With one stroke of the pen, Trump has tried to erase this message of hope and high idealism, and replace it with his own paranoid vision of the world. Mr Nathan-Partridge may welcome him here, but I certainly won’t, and nor will many others. Barbara Moore Stoke Coventry

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