Coventry Telegraph

Expenses probe: Marcus cleared


MARCUS Jones has been cleared in an expenses investigat­ion over the Tory’s infamous ‘battle bus’ during the last General Election.

The former Nuneaton MP - who represente­d the town until Parliament was dissolved earlier this month - was one of more than 30 people accused of labelling expenses incorrectl­y as national rather than local spending in 2015.

But the Crown Prosecutio­n Service yesterday announced that no action will be taken in connection with any of the allegation­s.

Mr Jones said: “I am delighted that the CPS have at last agreed that, as I have said all along, that I have no case to answer, in respect of my Return of Election Expenses following the 2015 General Election.

“This matter was raised with the police in 2016 and after a detailed investigat­ion lasting for over a year, during which I fully co-operated with the authoritie­s, in the confidence that I had nothing to hide, a No Further Action notice has been issued.

“I fully understand that the police must take allegation­s of this nature seriously and I thank them for their thoroughne­ss and profession­al approach throughout the process. I now look forward to continuing to concentrat­e on my campaign to win the Nuneaton seat for the Conservati­ves at the forthcomin­g General Election.”

Mr Jones has been reselected by to contest the Nuneaton seat on June 8. He will be up against Philip Johnson (Labour), Chris Brookes (Green Party) and Dr Richard BrightonKn­ight (Lib Dem).

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