Coventry Telegraph




A LITTLE Bedworth boy could be able to take his first ever steps if thousands of pounds are raised to pay for a life-changing operation.

It is hoped that the ‘Frankie’s Freedom’ campaign will raise the £25,000 needed for specialist surgery and rehabilita­tion for little Frankie Palmer.

Behind Frankie’s bright beaming smile is a huge frustratio­n that he cannot even sit unaided due to suffering from cerebral palsy.

His parents Lee Palmer and Skye Lloyd heard about the Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy (SDR) operation via Facebook groups they had joined about cerebral palsy.

It helps to reduce stiffness in the muscles and could help him to sit and stand unaided – or even walk.

But their joy soon turned to despair when they realised that the operation was no longer available on the NHS.

“We were so happy when we heard about it, then we saw that it is no longer available on the NHS,” said his mum Skye. The operation itself is about £17,500, which is a lot of money, but to be able to give him the chance to be able to sit up on his own, and maybe one day walk, it is really worth it.

“This isn’t about us, it is for him. He is not unhappy but I know that he would be a lot happier if he could do all of those things, at the minute all he can do is roll over by himself and shout if he drops something, which is really frustratin­g.”

Frankie was born at just 29 weeks – on New Year’s Eve and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy just a few weeks later during routine scans.

But the condition has never stopped him: “He is a really happy boy, he does suffer with his chest and has to have an inhaler, but other than that, he is great.”

Medics say that the best age to have the operation is between two and five years and, as he turns three in December, his parents face a mammoth task in raising the huge amount of funds.

Having previously organised a sponsored walk in Leicester, where Skye’s parents live, they have now organised one a little closer to their home in Grant Road, Exhall.

‘Frankie’s Walk’ is being held on Saturday, September 30, and will see participan­ts walk from St Nicolas Park in Warwick to the Cross Keys pub in Bedworth.

“We would like as many people as possible to join in,” added Skye, who is 22.

“The map says it is about 15/16 miles and, weather permitting, we hope that Frankie will be able to come along for some of it, but he hates being stuck in his buggy for a long time.”

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