Coventry Telegraph

Kind gesture by fellow shopper made my day


I HAD an appointmen­t in one of the clinics at Walsgrave University Hospital on September 5.

I usually visit the shops in the mall when I am there and one of my favourite shops is called the Stock Shop.

My mobility is very bad, I was diagnosed with Parkinson’s some time ago. I was finding it difficult to negotiate my way around without falling. This kind lady made plenty of space for me.

I bought some items and when I went to pay at the till I was told that the kind lady had left £10 for me to buy a gift for myself because she’d seen the problems I was having but wanted to stay anonymous. What a kind person. I am hoping that she will see this letter in the letters page of the Telegraph. She will know who she is and if she does, I want to say a big thank you for your great kindness shown to me.

May God bless you. Benny McAndrew Stoke

Despair at MPs’ stance on EU

I WOULD like to express my despair at our three Coventry MPs, all of whom voted against the EU Withdrawal Bill. Are they so out of touch with their residents that they didn’t realise that Coventry voted to Leave the EU? I spoke to residents across the city throughout the campaign and there was no doubt in my mind that Coventry wanted to leave. Our three Labour MPs have decided that instead of representi­ng the people who put them where they are, they would play petty politics in an attempt to embarrass the Government, when in fact they succeeded only in showing that the Labour party hasn’t a clue what its stance is on Brexit.

I also have many lively discussion­s with Labour councillor­s who are desperate to block Brexit and have a second referendum.

These people would do well to put residents first rather than their own hopes of joining the EU gravy train.

Whilst I have only contempt for such weakness, I also have a great deal of respect for those Labour MPs who had the courage of their conviction­s and supported the Government.

I have always admired Kate Hoey who has been a continued and passionate advocate for Brexit. Councillor Glenn Williams Bablake Ward

Pay by telephone service failed me

HAVING received a PCN notice from the council, I decided to bite the bullet and pay up.

At about 12.55pm, following the instructio­ns on their ‘pay over the phone’ service.

I came to pay and was received by: “We are closed and will be open between 9am and 5pm.”

We have to pay council tax for that. Simon Whitehead Canley

Engage with those paying your wages

I UNDERSTAND that full council meetings are not always well attended.

How can our councillor­s say they are interested in our city if they do not turn up for meetings?

It has also been said that the people do not understand complex issues such as housing and buildings. But councillor­s, we do understand about such matters, and when you harp on that we, the public, complain – no, we point out facts.

As in the case of the wheelie bin saga, the council is not able to complete the task on the designated day – and yet it wants thousands more houses built, residents of which will also have wheelie bins that may not be able to be emptied.

If you could offer a perfect service for the people, it would instil more confidence in your judgement.

Now that ward forums are no more, people cannot talk to councillor­s – or rather only at limited times, offered by the councillor­s themselves.

Please remember you are public servants and the taxpayers pay your wages – so a little more engagement would be appreciate­d and when facts are pointed out to you, do not shy away from truths that the rest of us experience.

Birmingham’s nine MPs have signed a letter telling the city council to do a better job and resolve the rubbish dispute.

Well done to those nine MPs who showed they have got principles. Sandra Camwell Keresley

 ??  ?? Councillor Glenn Williams has written about the EU Withdrawal Bill
Councillor Glenn Williams has written about the EU Withdrawal Bill
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