Coventry Telegraph

We’re so fed up of bin collection farce


I AND many others in Westmorlan­d Road and Keswick Walk are totally fed up with not having our bins emptied. Firstly only a quarter of households received notificati­on and a new diary saying our day had been changed to a Friday, which it already is. Told to put all three bins out and only one collected on the Friday, so back they had to come on Saturday. The same happened the following week, needing them to come back on Saturday. This week half the estate was done, the rest were left and no bins emptied. Three weeks of this farce is enough. If they want bins putting out on a Saturday – say so. We are all fed up bringing them in and out because selfish people seem to think they can go around putting stuff into people’s bins that should not be in there. Residents are transporti­ng their rubbish to the tip in their own vehicles, if this is to be the practice a reduction in council tax should be due. For goodness sake get a grip and department­s speak to each other. Rat infestatio­n is becoming the norm. It is totally unacceptab­le every week. Gill Gates Wyken

Despair at decisions

REGARDING the lovely picture of the Canal Basin sent in by Teagan and Clara (Jun 23), a rare, tranquil and peaceful historic setting of Coventry’s surviving past. There is not much of that left, being bulldozed left right and centre. Then I look again and what is that monstrosit­y rearing its ugly head over the roof? Another student accommodat­ion block totally ruining the Coventry skyline. But then, given history, in a few years’ time the council will realise their mistake and bulldoze again because they were built on the cheap, not to last. Take Priory Tower and Coventry Point or whatever they call it, as an example – knock them down before they fall down. I despair at this council’s forward planning if any. K J Clarke Wyken

Ridiculous display from footballer­s

I WRITE to you as one totally convulsed in wild laughter after watching the Russian presentati­on of the World Cup football.

I believe in my own mind that the puerile players involved in this selfgratif­ying spectacle are merely trying to see which one can get away with the most outrageous dive or claim for foul-play. Perhaps it alleviates the crushing boredom of being a profession­al footballer in the modern world. I may indeed be wrong, but this is where logic leads me to in a serious world increasing­ly made fun of.

The thing that hurts the most is, childlike fools getting gales of laughter with unsubtle ,very poor jokes. I must go now as I am in serious danger of becoming incapacita­ted by wild, uncontroll­able laughter. Jock Brownlee Wood End

Great memories of the Rainbow Inn

IT was nice to see the picture of the Rainbow Inn (Jun 16).

It was lovely for my grandad Gerald James as he lived in the house next door and knew the Tatlows and their granddaugh­ter Gill, who used to take my father for walks in his pushchair. Kirsty James Exhall

 ??  ?? Many thanks to Keith Frost for sending in this photo of a pair of mallards stopping in for a visit to his Brinklow garden. Have you taken a Pic of the Day that you’d like to see published? Email it to letters@ coventryte­ with your name,...
Many thanks to Keith Frost for sending in this photo of a pair of mallards stopping in for a visit to his Brinklow garden. Have you taken a Pic of the Day that you’d like to see published? Email it to letters@ coventryte­ with your name,...
 ??  ??

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