Coventry Telegraph

Council is accused of ‘vilificati­on campaign’ in Ricoh court hearing

- By KATY HALLAM Chief Reporter

COVENTRY City Football Club claims the city council paid a PR team to lead a “campaign of vilificati­on” against Sisu chief executive Joy Seppala and stop them buying the Ricoh Arena.

The accusation came from lawyers acting for the football club and its owners, Sisu, as they argued for a second day at the Court of Appeal that a judicial review should be held into the stadium’s sale to Wasps back in 2014. They claim the deal, which saw Wasps buy Ricoh Arena operating firm ACL for £21million, had not been made on commercial terms under EU state aid rules.

Judges sitting at the Royal Courts of Justice in London were told the club’s owners had not been given a fair chance to buy the stadium.

Rhodri Thompson QC, for Sisu, said they had put in detailed evidence showing that vilificati­on campaign, which included a letter in the Coventry Telegraph making remarks on Joy Seppala.

Speaking about Joy Seppala’s witness statement, he said negotiatio­ns by Sisu to buy the council’s share of the stadium had been unsuccessf­ul at the end of 2013 but the club had returned to the stadium “apparently as the occupier of the ground” as a trustbuild­ing exercise.

He added there was then no attempt to go back to CCFC and say “We’re going to sell the whole lot... would you be interested in the asset on that basis?”

Mr Thompson said: “One would expect if you had an asset of that value that you would want to offer it to the open market to see what could be expected... not selling behind the scenes as was done here.”

Lawyers for Sisu have argued in selling the Ricoh for £21million, they undervalue­d the asset by £29m.

On the first day of the hearing Sisu said they would be happy to accept a 50/50 stake in the stadium as a remedy to the dispute if their appeal was successful.

Lawyers for Coventry City Council said the initial valuation of the club carried out by auditors KPMG was “impeccable” and had ensured an independen­t market valuation had been obtained.

Mr Goudie QC, for the authority, answering criticism from Sisu of the KMPG report, said: “while they were doing some things that were not a valuation... does not take away from the fact that one of the things they were doing was a valuation”.

He added comparing the value of the club before the sale, to its value afterwards when Wasps had acquired the stadium with a 250 year lease, was like comparing “apples and pears”.

He said: “They [Strutt and Parkers] were valuing the 250-year lease in Wasps’ hands,” adding their valuation had not taken into account a lot of costs. Mr Goudie added that because there were very few potential buyers who could bring a major sporting franchise to the stadium, that had made it difficult for the council to “extract the full value from Wasps”.

Mr Goudie was asked by Lord Justice Leveson if the judges should pay any attention to the fact that the claimants, Sisu, had shown interest in buying the stadium.

He said Sisu’s interest was an “interest of a very different nature because of their existing licence at the stadium.

“As far as that was concerned although there was a good deal of general knowledge on what their approach was... there really had been a singular lack of interest shown.”

Fenella Maurice QC, representi­ng Wasps at the hearing, said the collapse of the club would “create ripples” in Coventry’s business community and the wider community. She told the court the first valuation by KMPG was fair adding valuing an asset of this nature was not easy and “it’s not an exact science”.

Wasps already had a 38-year lease, she said, which was sacrificed before the 250-year deal was made. She told the court: “Just because a body makes a commercial success subsequent­ly on a transactio­n... it doesn’t mean that there was unlawful state aid at the time of the transactio­n.”

She also said it was “abundantly clear that it was far from predictabl­e what the outcome” of Wasps business proposal would be and that indeed even KPMG were “far from confident this business risk was going to pay off”.

She said the fact it had paid off so well is now no reason to say “that at the time this was the conferring of a commercial benefit on an unfair basis”. Mr Thompson came back saying the KPMG report was drawn up on the basis there was only one offer on the table so there was no pressure for Wasps to “cough up” the full value.

He said: ““In my submission what this shows is why the KPMG approach was wrong, because it clearly wasn’t an open market valuation.”

He gave the analogy of an elderly widower selling her family home to a family member for a knocked down price - saying this was not the market value but a favour.

The three judges in the case, Lord Justice McCombe, Lord Justice Irwin and Lord Justice Leveson, retired after hearing representa­tion to consider their judgement which they said would be delivered in writing.

Justice Leveson said if the court found in Sisu’s favour, finding a judicial review could take place, the court would need to sit again to discuss potential remedies.

Judges sitting at the Royal Court’s of Justice London were told the club’s owners had not been given a fiar chance to buy the stadium.

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