Coventry Telegraph

On this DAY


1491: Henry VIII was born.

1838: Queen Victoria was crowned in Westminste­r Abbey, aged just 19. During the ceremony, Austrian composer Johann Strauss conducted his orchestra outside the London Reform Club, playing God Save The Queen.

1914: Archduke Franz Ferdinand, heir to the Austrian throne, was assassinat­ed with his wife in Sarajevo by terrorist Gavrilo Princip, lighting the touchpaper to the First World War.

1919: A Peace Treaty between German representa­tives and Allied powers was signed in the Palace of Versailles in northern France, officially ending the First World War.

1930: Frank Whittle (later Sir) patented the jet engine.

1935: The first Rupert Bear cartoon was drawn by Alfred Bestall and appeared in the Daily Express. Bestall had taken over from Rupert’s creator Mary Tourtel.

1950: The United States humbled England 1-0 in a World Cup match.

1984: After 104 years, the British magazine Tit-Bits stopped publishing.

1990: The Prince of Wales was detained in hospital overnight after breaking his right arm when falling from his pony during a polo match.

ON THIS DAY LAST YEAR: Rising numbers of poor students were dropping out of university before finishing their degree, figures suggested.

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