Coventry Telegraph

City nightclub has its licence suspended

- By LAURA HARTLEY News Reporter

CLUB M has had its licence suspended after the grandson of The Specials singer Neville Staple was found stabbed near the club at the weekend.

Fidel Glasgow was found in a life-threatenin­g condition on Hertford Place, at the back of nightclub Club M.

He later died in hospital from his injuries.

Another man was found with multiple stab wounds nearby after the disorder which occurred in the early hours of Saturday morning.

The club has now lost its licence for 28 days.

A notice put up by West Midlands Police outside the premises alerted the public to its decision to apply for a closure order of 24 hours - prohibitin­g the club from opening on Saturday night.

During a licensing hearing at Coventry City Council, the club was told to close immediatel­y for a period of 28 days until a full hearing unless the club formally responds.

Cllr Patricia Hetherton, chairman of the Licensing and Regulatory Committee, said: “We have resolved to suspend the premises’ licence of Club M pending a full review hearing.

“The committee considered the licensing objectives, which include crime and disorder and public safety, and felt that the premises pose a serious risk to the public if they remain open.” The committee heard there had been reports of previous disorder associated with the club and reports of breaches of licence conditions.

According to the notices put up outside Club M on Hertford Place, the order was made by West Midlands Police inspector Mark Teago.

In the notice he states: “I am satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for believing that:

(a) the use of the below premises has resulted or (if the notice is not issued) is likely soon to result, in nuisance to members of the public; or

(b) there has been, or (if the notice is not issued) is likely soon to be, disorder near those premises associated with the use of those premises.”

A full review will now take place in order to establish whether the club should lose its license permanentl­y or not.

At a full hearing the police will present evidence to support its applicatio­n while the club will also be given the chance to present a case in its defence.

A man has appeared in court in connection with the disorder.

Atikou Diallo, aged 23, of no fixed abode, appeared at Birmingham Magistrate­s’ Court on Tuesday morning charged with three offences - Section 18 wounding (GBH), violent disorder and possession of a Class A drug (cocaine).

Diallo spoke only to confirm his age and date of birth.

No pleas were entered and no applicatio­n for bail was made.

Diallo was remanded in custody by magistrate­s until October 2 when he will appear before the Crown Court.

On Wednesday, West Midlands Police and the family of Fidel Glasgow held a press conference at WMP headquarte­rs where they urged onlookers to come forward.

Neville Staple and his wife Christine Sugary admitted that sharing their pain and warning of the evils of knife crime are keeping them going as a family following the death of their grandson.

Opening the press conference Superinten­dent Matt Markham said around 100 people could have seen what happened to Fidel outside Club M and some tried to intervene to help.

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