Coventry Telegraph

Rooney arrested

- PM Theresa May

WAYNE ROONEY was arrested in the US accused of public intoxicati­on.

The former England captain, 33, who plays for US team DC United, was taken into custody on December 16 in Virginia. THERESA MAY has warned the UK will be in “uncharted territory” if MPs do not back her Brexit plan.

The Prime Minister, who is still seeking further guarantees from Brussels in an effort to win over critics ahead of the vote expected on January 15, warned Brexiteers they risked derailing the UK’s departure from the European Union if they did not back her deal.

And she again rejected calls for a second referendum, saying it would be disrespect­ful to people who voted for Brexit in 2016.

As MPs prepare to return to Westminste­r with the Commons vote looming on the Withdrawal Agreement thrashed out with Brussels, the Prime Minister said no alternativ­e plan was able to respect the 2016 referendum result, protect jobs and provide certainty to citizens and businesses.

Mrs May promised further measures specific to Northern Ireland and a greater role for Parliament, and said “we are still working on” getting extra assurances from Brussels as part of her drive to secure support for the deal.

She repeatedly sidesteppe­d questions about whether she would keep putting the deal back to MPs if it gets rejected, instead saying: “If the deal is not voted on, this vote that is coming up, then actually we are going to be in uncharted territory.

“I don’t think anybody can say exactly what will happen in terms of the reaction we will see in Parliament.”

She said Labour was “playing politics” and opposing any deal to create “the greatest chaos” possible.

“We have got people who are promoting a second referendum in order to stop Brexit, and we have got people who want to see their perfect Brexit. I would say don’t let the search for the perfect become the enemy of the good because the danger there is that we end up with no Brexit at all.”

On her own future, Mrs May refused to put a timescale on her departure.

“I’m not going to call a snap election and secondly that I’m not going to be leading the party into the 2022 general election.

“What colleagues have said they want me to do is to deliver Brexit, which is what I am working on doing.”

Officially slated for the week of January 14, the Commons vote is expected to be held on Tuesday, January 15. Mrs May said it would be “that sort of time”.

Internatio­nal Trade Secretary Liam Fox said: “Parliament needs to understand that if we’re not able to come to Parliament and get a deal, then we may end up leaving the EU with no deal. Most people seem to say that’s not what they want to see – well, they better make up their minds before we get to a week on Tuesday.”

Shadow internatio­nal trade secretary Barry Gardiner suggested Labour could offer a referendum on a renegotiat­ed Brexit deal. He said Labour’s plan remained to push for a general election if Mrs May’s deal was rejected, and “we would set out what we would seek to negotiate in Europe to try and deliver”.

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