Coventry Telegraph

Fears over rat invasion this winter

- By ELIS SANDFORD News Reporter

RATS could be set to take over the nation, with experts warning that cold weather could see 120 million rodents invading properties.

With the winter months fast approachin­g, and gardens at risk from the furry fiends, experts at GardenBuil­dingsDirec­ have put together nine humane ways to deter the pests and keep them away from their outside space.

Advice for keeping them out of the garden include removing any food and waters sources and to stop feeding wildlife.

Peppermint oil is good at deterring rats as they hate the smell, as is moving items like plant pots around as they dislike new items being put in their territory.

Ways to keep your garden rat free

1. Keep your garden clean and tidy

It may sound obvious, but if your garden is clean and tidy then there’s less places for rats to set up home and hide.

2. Remove food and water sources

Keep your bins shut and don’t leave lose bin bags beside them.

3. Stop feeding wildlife

Rats will sniff out any seeds from bird feeders.

4. Peppermint Oil Rats hate peppermint oil. Add some peppermint oil to cotton wool balls or scrunched up fabric and dot them around the garden.

5. Block gaps

To stop rats getting into your home, seal any cracks or gaps in the external walls.

6. Newly planted garden

If you’re just starting out on your garden, protect new bulbs and plants by planting a layer of net just under the soil.

7. Move things around

Rats don’t like it when new things are placed in their territory. Try moving pots and any furniture around.

8. Block off decking Underneath your decking makes a great rat home.

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