Coventry Telegraph

Former Cov gang member on a mission to help others

- By JOSH LAYTON News Reporter

ANTON Noble would once have been looking over his shoulder on some of Coventry’s most crime-ridden streets.

As a teenager, he swapped a broken home for an adopted street family and became swept up in turf wars fuelled by grime videos where rappers traded insults.

Rivals would hunt each other down and claimed different parts of the city as their territorie­s.

But Anton escaped the trapdoor into gangs, knives and fast cash, finding a different calling in life.

Today, he is an outreach worker who is spending his weekend evenings in some of murkiest spots in his home city, armed only with a message of love.

Standing by his distinctiv­e, graffiti-emblazoned van, Anton describes how he fell into the cycle of violence that has claimed several young lives in Coventry and Warwickshi­re over the past 12 months and led to a concerted, city-wide response.

He pinpoints problems at home as the catalyst that led an impression­able 18-yearold led to fall in with a gang who hung around in Walsgrave.

Violence was part of life, and areas of the city were out of bounds to the grime artist, with uploads to music channels fuelling the turf war.

“There wasn’t that love in my family home,” Anton says.

“When something’s broken in your home you find it elsewhere, so my friends became my love.

“The situation led to violence, I was chased and nearly chucked out of a window.

“When you’re in it, you expect that, that’s what life is.

“There was a situation where I got myself in trouble and went through probation, but I didn’t end up going to jail. The judge showed me grace and mercy and I turned my life around.” Anton, now 28, puts the root cause of gang violence down to a lack of love, rather than young people being seduced by images of guns and easy cash.

“At the root of it all is a lack of love; a lack of attention, role models, people telling the truth and people judging others the wrong way,” he says. “But lack of love is at the root of it all. Since 2018 I’ve worked with 600 kids involved in gangs, and they all say, ‘I’m not wanted, my parents don’t want me, these are the only people that can protect me.’ They need knowledge to know that gangs, knives and fast cash are not the answer. You can have all the cash and respect and still be unhappy.”

Anton’s wake-up call was when someone close to him almost died through drugs.

He found the church and began working for a victim support service in Northampto­nshire, away from the streets he used to roam. At first, he had to be accompanie­d by a police officer when he visited schools, speaking to pupils about the dangers of gangs, knives and drugs.

Anton then created Guiding Young Minds (GYM), an interventi­on team supporting young people experienci­ng difficulti­es in life. Under the auspices of the ASSIST Trauma Care charity, he

operates out of the distinctiv­e van which he now uses to help spread his message on the streets of Coventry.

The father-of-two is also becoming known well beyond his outreach and mentoring work.

As a model and actor, his credits include the gang movie Road, a shoot for the

ASOS fashion brand and a digital appearance seen by millions of gamers in F1 2016.

On the streets of Coventry, his guiding belief is that no one should be denied a brighter future.

“Not all kids are involved in gang activity and some kids are doing it because they’re very scared and forced to do it,” Anton says. “You can’t just concentrat­e on the image of the knife itself as the problem, you have to take a longer look at the person who’s picked it up.”

Driven on by Anton and his team, GYM has reached more than 600 young people across the Midlands since it was founded in 2018.

The registered charity carries out schools visits, workshops and helps young people through choppy waters, offering support and encouragem­ent along the way.

Young people he has supported include those who have been sucked into County Lines operations, some travelling across the country with thousands of pounds worth of drugs while still in their early teens.

Many have ended up in ‘trap houses,’ or drug dens, under severe stress.

Anton is one of the few that the teenage drug runners and their parents feel able to open up to.

“The love that I have got now I can’t keep to myself, I have to share it,” Anton says.

“That’s the quote I put on my van, ‘never too deep to make a change.’”

As he returns to the streets that were once so full of peril, Anton is offering others a chance of salvation.

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